Last Updated on September 10, 2023 by lindseymahoney
Our master bedroom makeover at our third home was an important project that I wanted to tackle before the birth of our daughter, Evelyn. We moved into this home when I was 5 months pregnant, so the pressure was on to turn our master bedroom into a calming retreat!
Master Bedroom Before
The master bedroom before was definitely livable, but we really wanted to add our personality to it.

Master Bedroom Punch List
Here is the list of improvements we planned to make in our bedroom.
- New floors
- Paint walls
- New dresser
- Replace ceiling fan
- Install white blinds
- New door
Master Bedroom Mid-Renovation
Since moving into this home 4 months earlier, we already created a full guest suite in our basement – including a cozy bedroom and luxurious guest bath.
Upstairs, we completely reconfigured the guest bathroom, master bathroom, and closet and the aftermath of that renovation was quite apparent in our bedroom.

It was clear that we needed to put some work into our master bedroom to create a relaxing retreat for a soon-to-be momma of two.
Master Bedroom Floors

For the floors, we decided to go with Pergo Outlast Auburn Scraped Oak laminate from Home Depot and also used them for the installation. We carried this flooring throughout our entire home (except the basement), to create a more cohesive look.

To save money, we removed the existing floors ourselves (a.k.a. Chris, Thomas, and our friends). This took about three days. With all of the furniture and flooring removed, we stayed with friends until the new flooring was installed.
The installation also took 3 days so we were out of our house for almost a week! Not cool for a nesting momma.
It was totally worth it though to check it off of our home renovation list. We had also torn up our kitchen to install the same flooring which meant we were eating out the entire week.

By the end of the week, we were getting a little stir-crazy and ready to be back in the house.
We finished the floors with only a few days to spare before little Evie Mae arrived!
Master Bedroom REVEAL

We quickly painted the walls a neutral color using Eider White by Sherwin Williams. The new white blinds brightened the room as well and our new Hemnes dresser offers incredible storage.

I am in LOVE with our relaxing master suite. The clean design is just what I need at the end of a long day and the master bathroom is like a spa get-away!

And these two snuggle bugs loved the updates as well. The only downside to the floors is the “click, click, click” of the pups nails on the floor. We may need to add a rug at some point!