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Check out all of the renovations and DIY projects we tackled at our third home in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. So many incredible room makeovers!

How to Make a Basement Bedroom Legal and to Code

The first project at our third flip house was to build a legal bedroom in the basement with an attached bathroom. I was pregnant with our second child and we made the decision to hire an au pair once our daughter arrived. Not only did the cultural aspect of this experience excite us, but it made more sense financially in terms of childcare in Denver. The basement was a blank canvas that was perfect for creating a guest suite for our au pair, Maria.

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Adding Value to Our Home with Landscaping Improvements

One way we added value to our first home was with landscaping improvements. This is especially valuable with smaller homes and locations where you spend a lot of time outside. Including the word “landscaping” to a home listing can add 2.7 percent more to the sale price. With a $300,000 home, that’s a gain of $8,100, according to Zillow.

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Organize Your Mudroom with This DIY Locker System

Today I am sharing our mudroom makeover where we built a DIY locker system that is guaranteed to keep us organized!

The mudroom in our third flip house was the first space that you saw when you walked in from the garage and it quickly became the dumping zone for all of our things. I really wanted to clean this space up and add some organization.

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